Player Performance Alerts

An optional feature to guide the time an individual player spends on the field and on the bench.

This assists users with the management of player fatigue and recovery time.

When using Player Thresholds, users can set how long they would like a player to spend on the field and how long players can recover when they are on the bench.

The alerts for Player Thresholds will change dynamically based on the time remaining in a preset stint for a player (e.g. on the field or on the bench).

Up to three thresholds can be set for a player per quarter.

For example, a user can choose to set an alert for the player's first stint on the ground to be 7 minutes with 1 minute set for the bench; their second stint to be 5 minutes on the field and 2 minutes on the bench; and their third stint to be 4 minutes on the field and 1 minute on the bench.

Alerts will refresh back to the first alert set at the commencement of a new quarter.

Status Indicator/Health Bar:

An in-app feature which will appear on a player card when alerts are activated.

The health bar will alert users as to where a player is at in regard to a particular Player Threshold they have set.

If a user chooses not to enter player thresholds for any particular player, no status health bar will appear for that player.

  • The health bar will move to the right and gradually change to the colour green, as the player approaches the Player Threshold set (on the field or on the bench).

When a player achieves the Player Threshold(s) set, the dot on the right hand side of the player card will become green.

How to set up Player Performance Alerts:

  1. When in a game, select the three dot menu option in the top right hand corner, then select 'Edit Game Settings'.

  1. Scroll down to 'Player Alerts' and select to expand the menu.

  1. Select 'Player Performance'.

  1. If you select 'Save as Season Default', the game settings will automatically be set up and applied to any new events created for that season.
  2. Select 'Save'.
  3. Select 'Setup Game'.

  1. Follow all the steps to select your players and set the lineup.

  1. Once in the game, select any players you wish to set Player Thresholds.

  1. Select the player, then click the three dots on the player navigation menu on the side, then select 'Edit Player'.

  1. Scroll to 'Player Thresholds' and select 'Add Threshold'.

  1. Set the threshold as required (for Playing Time and Bench Time). Note: You can set up to three threshold per player for each quarter.

  1. If you wish to delete a Player Threshold, select the red circle with a white line located next to the threshold.
  2. Once all thresholds have been entered, select 'Save'.
  3. On the player navigation menu on the side, select the 'Info' tab to see the 'Playing Limits' (thresholds) set.

You can also set the game settings within the Season Settings area, which will automatically be applied to any new events created for that season.

  1. Navigate to 'Account' in the bottom navigation bar.
  2. Select 'Seasons'.
  3. Click on the relevant season and select 'Edit' in the top right hand corner.
  4. Update any settings as required.
  5. Set the Player Alerts as desired.
  6. Click 'Save'.

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