7-day Free Trial
When new users sign up to Rookie Me Play, they will be provided with a 7-day free trial.
Note: The 7-day free trial is only applicable to the Basic, Advanced or Expert plans, as the Lite plan is free to all users.
Creating a new team:
When you create a new team, you will automatically be required to select a plan.
- Toggle through the plan options (Lite, Basic, Advanced or Expert) based on the features you require.
- If you select Basic, Advanced or Expert, you will receive a 7-day free trial.
- Once you have chosen your plan, click on 'Select Plan'.
- A pop up will appear with the details of your subscription
- The 7-day free trial will commence the day you select your subscription.
- Upon completion of the 7-day free trial, your subscription will automatically renew unless cancelled. Note: If you wish to cancel your subscription prior to it renewing at the end of your 7-day free trial, you must cancel it one day before the renewal date.
Please see the following articles if you wish to cancel your account:
Updating your subscription:
Users can update their subscription for their team:
- Navigate to 'Account'.
- If you have multiple teams, ensure the team you wish to update the subscription is selected.
- Click 'Subscription'.
- Select the subscription you wish to proceed with.
- Click 'Select Plan'.
- Click 'Subscribe'.