Uploading a team list for a team

  1. Login to Rookie Me hub via https://hub.rookieme.com/.
  2. Ensure your team is selected.
    1. Your teams are located at the top of the left hand side navigation menu.
    2. If you have more than one team, hover over your team and select the drop down arrows to switch between teams.

  1. Select 'Players'.

  1. On the top right hand side of the following screen, select 'Import Players'.

  1. The following screen is where you can drag and drop/upload a Microsoft excel file (.xls, .xlsx, .csv).

As a minimum, you will NEED columns of the following:

  • FIRST NAME (e.g. John).
  • LAST NAME (e.g. Doe).
  • DISPLAY NAME (e.g. J. Doe).
  • UNIFORM NUMBER (e.g. 1).

The columns of DATE OF BIRTH and GENDER are optional.

  1. After the import, select 'Next' at the bottom of the screen.

  1. Align your spreadsheet columns to those required for the import into Hub and select 'Next'.

  1. Once the data appears correct, select 'Confirm' to finalise the upload.

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