Percentage Game Time

Percentage Game Time (PGT) = Time on Field/Total Available Time x 100

Time spent in the following time buckets will not contribute to a player's PGT:

  • Injury.
  • Assessment.
  • Disciplinary.
  • Absent from the game.

In a 100 minute game, a player is recorded as having the following time allocations:

  • 10 minutes injured.
  • 20 minutes on the bench.
  • 70 minutes on-field.

This player's PGT will be 70/90 = 77% (not 70%).

Time spent in the 'Opposition Time Bucket' will count towards a player's PGT.

In a 100 minute game, a player is recorded as having the following time allocations:

  • 10 minutes opposition.
  • 20 minutes on the bench.
  • 70 minutes on field.

This player's PGT will be 80/100 - 80% (not 70%).

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