Deleting Players

How to delete a player:
  1. Navigate to 'Members' in the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen and select the 'Players' tab.

  2. Select the player you wish to remove from the list of available players.
  3. Select 'Delete' to remove the player.

  4. A dialog will appear ensuring deletion is the desired action. Select 'Delete' if you wish to proceed, or cancel to stop the action.

Walkthrough video:

Deleting a Player for iPhone Users:

  1. Navigate to 'Members' in the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen and select the 'Players' tab.

  2. Select the player you wish to remove from the list of available players.
  3. Select 'Delete' to remove the player.

  4. A dialog will appear ensuring deletion is the desired action. Select 'Delete' if you wish to proceed, or cancel to stop the action.

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