Designing your Kit

Customise your kit: An in-app feature which allows a user to customise the look of their team kit.

Note: This is an optional feature and does not need to be completed to finalise setting up a team.

  1. When you create a team, you will see the option to customise the team kit. Select the pen icon on the bottom right-hand corner of the team kit to initiate the customisation portal.

  2. Select a pattern to suit your team's kit, then select the team colours, utilising primary, secondary and tertiary tiers.

Editing the Team Kit:

If you need to amend the team's kit after you've finalised the team creation process, you will need to navigate to the team settings.

  1. Navigate to 'Account'.

  1. Ensure your team is selected.
  2. Select 'Team Information'.

  1. Edit the team kit (and any other details) as required.
  2. Once complete, select 'Update'.

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