
Plan Mode

An in-app feature which allows a user to pre-plan substitutions and rotations within a period.

Use of this feature will allow a user to add various substitutions and rotations to a queue for later execution.


Users can create a queue of rotations and substitutions using the plan mode.

How to use this feature:
  1. When in a game, select the 'Plan Mode' button in the top right hand side of the field.

Plan mode displays your current lineup of players and the players available on the bench.

All upcoming items in the queue are displayed in the right-hand side panel.

  1. Select at least two players to create a rotation. A plan can involve multiple movements between players.

  1. Once you have selected your players, click 'Add to Queue'.

  1. You can continue to add plans to the Queue by following the previous step. Once complete, select 'Back to Game' to exit plan mode.

  1. You will be directed to your queue, where the plans are listed in order of operation. Select the dropdown arrow on any plan you wish to see the detail. Here, you will have the option to execute or cancel the plan.

  1. The app will detect if there are any conflicts in your plan. This will be displayed with an 'i' on the 'Cancel' button within the affected plan.

  1. Click on the 'Cancel' button to see the details of the conflict.

  1. Select 'Continue' if you wish to proceed with the rotation or select 'Remove Plan' to delete the rotation.
  2. Once you execute a plan, the next listed rotation will move to the 'Next Up' section ready to be executed.

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